Karlskrona in Minecraft

The Swedish city Karlskrona has been created in Minecraft. Local citizens are invited to add to the model to make it even more detailed. Read more about it (in Swedish) here.  

GeoBoxers made Karlskrona in Minecraft from real-world GIS and geospatial data for the Swedish university in Skövde, that partners in the The Urban Cultural Planning project.

“Children build Karlskrona – in a game”

Two days in February 2019, hundreds of children enter Marinmuseet in Karlskrona.

Together with the game department of the University of Skövde the museum invites the children to “… engage children and young people in the world heritage and to make them reflect about the city they live in…”, Malin Jogmark, Marinmuseet.

The article includes a video (in Swedish).

Click on the picture below to see an overview of Karlskrona in Minecraft.