
Vaasa is city on the west coast of Finland. GeoBoxers have created Vaasa in a 4 km by 4 km Minecraft map for the municipality of Vaasa. The map will be used for citizen engagement in the projectXXX [LINK?].

Overview of the Minecraft map

If you are curious to see how Vaasa looks in Minecraft, just CLICK on the image below to zoom and pan around in an overview of a part of the map.

If you are a involved in the project, you can use the overview for navigation in-game. Read coordinates from the overview to teleport yourself around in Vaasa in Minecraft.

Click on the image to zoom and move around in an overview of the map. 

Vaasa in Minecraft


To create Vaasa in Minecraft GeoBoxers used digital elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) together with data from OpenStreetMap.

Links to data: 



Vaasa in OpenStreeMap

Vaasa. ©OpenStreetMap contributors.