Yesterday the great news was announced, that Apple will locate one of it´s future data centers in Viborg in Denmark. GeoBoxers congratulate Viborg and Apple!

We have imported a random datacenter from SketchUp into Vibcraft (the Minecraftserver of Viborg).

The model is based on drawings from Viborg, made in SketchUp and shows a preliminary sketch of the main building (the real center will be much larger):


Building-sketch in SketchUp.

We converted data from SketchUp into Minecraft-format and placed the building in the Minecraft-version of Viborg on the location, where the new building will stand in a few years.

Local builders built flags and a giant apple to welcome the new Apple data center:



Vibcraft is an open Minecraft-server that represents a model of the municipality of Viborg. Read about Vibcraft and how to get access here.